Nullity Proceedings?

My spouse is willingly refusing to consummate our marriage, what can I do to bring the marriage to an end?

If the marriage has not been consummated, it will be deemed as voidable in the eyes of the law. This means that you can apply to the court to have the marriage annulled.

You would instigate nullity proceedings, which is almost an identical process to that of the divorce, save for the exception that you may be required to provide oral evidence to the court as to why the marriage is voidable. Further, with divorce you will not be able to apply to dissolve the marriage until 12 months have elapsed, this rule does not apply to nullity proceedings.

Like with divorce there will be 2 decrees granted; Decree Nisi and Decree Absolute.

If you would like to discuss nullity proceedings further, then do get in touch. 

Gemma Richardson