Can I name a third party in a divorce petition based on adultery?

Can I name a third party in a divorce petition based on adultery?

If your relationship has broken down due to your spouse’s adultery, then you may wish to name and shame the other party involved. Although, technically this can be done, you need to think very carefully about the impact of such actions. Naming a third party can not only inflame already hostile relations, but could cause complications and difficulties in the divorce itself, as well as causing you more expense. If your spouse has admitted the adultery then there really is no need to bring another party into the proceedings.

Adding the name may make you feel better in the short term, but nowadays it is not the done thing, and can be frowned upon by judges. Do not allow emotions cloud judgement. If you would like to discuss your options as to divorce, then please do not hesitate to get in touch. 

Gemma Richardson