Civil Partnerships

Same-sex couples are now permitted to legally marry, but there are still many couples who decide to take the civil partnership route. Whether a same sex marriage or civil partnership, I can offer legal advice at reasonable fees to protect your legal position


Civil Partnership Dissolution

If you have entered into a civil partnership, and the relationship has broken down, you can apply to the court to have the partnership dissolved.

The dissolution of a civil partnership essentially mirrors that of the divorce process, although different terminology is used. As with a divorce, you will still be entitled to apply for financial provision (lump sum orders, transfers of property, payment of maintenance etc.).


Civil Partnership Or Divorce?

One major difference between dissolution and divorce is was the facts you could rely upon when making such an application. Adultery was a fact that could be relied upon within divorce proceedings only. This is no longer of relevance with the introduction of The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020, which completely altered the legal landscape. 


Dissolving A Civil Partnership

Previously one of these 5 facts had to be relied upon: desertion for a period of 2 years or more; separation for a period of 2 years, with the consent of your partner; separation for a period of 5 years or unreasonable behaviour.This need has been disposed of, now all you must do is confirm (in the dissolution application) that the partnership has irretrievably broken down.