
I can assist both married and unmarried couples, different sex or same sex couples regarding any disputes that may arise in relation to child arrangements


Children Act

A relationship breakdown can be extremely difficult, particularly when there are children involved. Sometimes how best to deal with any children of the family can be overshadowed by the emotional strain the end of the relationship may have on you. 


What To Consider In Child Law

I can assist with:

  • Where the child is to live/ residence orders;
  • Issues surrounding the relocation of a child, both within the UK, and internationally;
  • How much time the child should spend with each parent/ contact orders;
  • Taking the child on holiday abroad;
  • Issues surrounding parental responsibility;
  • Prohibiting one parent from taking a certain action/ prohibited steps orders;
  •  Specific issues such as schooling,  religion,   change of   name.

Children Law Options

The welfare of the child will be on the utmost importance.

I can discuss options as to how best to resolve these issues, either through solicitor led negotiation, mediation, or as a last resort, instigating court proceedings.